Basics of Salvation

Basics of Salvation

What is the Problem of Sin?


Sin is a violation of God’s law and God’s nature. It is doing what we want rather than doing what God wants. Since God is the Creator and we are the ones He made (Gen 1), He has the right tell us what to do and how to live. Yet, because we have lived our own way, we have decided that we are better than God.

This is everyone’s problem. All have sinned and fall short of God’s glory (Rom 3:23). This means that we are not in a position to save ourselves. Rather, God has acted to provide a way for our sins to be forgiven. He did this by sending His Son, Jesus Christ, into this world in order to die for our sins that we might live. While this is difficult to understand, God’s actions in Jesus Christ have shown how much He loves us and how much He wants us to be in fellowship with Him.

The problem is sin. The answer is Jesus Christ.